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Kollective y Cisco están cambiando la forma en que su red ofrece colaboración con smartECDN

Habilite todos sus con una plataforma.

Kollective and Cisco have partnered to provide a turn-key networking infrastructure platform that offers customers the choice and flexibility to scale video delivery across all their critical front-end applications. With this partnership, customers have the freedom to choose their preferred solution for any given collaboration situation, including Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, or any other integration.

Microsoft Teams

Scale one-to-many communications through Teams Live Events and leverage the power of Microsoft Stream to easily create and securely share videos across the enterprise without impacting your network.

Cisco Webex

Deliver essential communications through high-quality Webex Events and provide collaborative experiences with interactive Webex Webinars to thousands of employees, regardless of their location.

All Your Integrations

Modern enterprise businesses rely on multiple front-end video applications to remain connected with employees. Kollective’s integrates with the world’s leading streaming solutions in minutes through our advanced SDK.

Flexible Deployment Empowers Your Enterprise

According to a recent Cisco survey, 85% of businesses use two or more virtual meeting platforms. Kollective's advanced SDK provides an integrated solution that offers rapid and flexible deployment of all front-end solutions and three powerful content distribution methods to address the most complex delivery challenges faced by businesses, ensuring seamless communication.

¿Por qué Kollective?

Kollective for Cisco collaboration enables customers to easily scale large, live video events to tens of thousands of users while eliminating concerns of office bandwidth availability and end user experience. As a Cisco Select Developer Partner, Kollective is trusted by hundreds of Global 2,000 organizations to securely scale video distribution within the enterprise, driving engagement and inclusivity for all employees whether they work remotely or on-site.

Kollective Reimagines Video Collaboration with Webex by Cisco

Kollective now offers an integration with Webex Webinars that will transform video collaboration and empower enterprises to effortlessly scale large, live video events to tens of thousands of users across hybrid work environments with limited concerns about bandwidth constraints, network congestion, or user experience. The Kollective integration with Webex Webinars with webcast view can be easily enabled via Webex Control Hub and is available now with Webex release 43.8.

Visit Kollective at Cisco Live EMEA - Booth D17 - February 5-9, 2024

Las marcas más grandes del mundo confían en Kollective

Customer Testimonials

"Anteriormente, reproducir cualquier tipo de video en nuestra red había sido un gran problema, pero ahora reproducimos eventos de video en vivo y estos prácticamente no afectan a nuestra red".
– Chief Network Architect, Government Agency

"La tecnología de video es fundamental para nuestra estrategia de comunicación ya que permite que nuestro liderazgo sea auténtico y transparente al transmitirla a nuestro personal en todo el mundo".
– VP of Corporate Communications, Global Consumer Brand

"Ahora, no solo podemos estar tranquilos de que los videos se distribuyen, sino que sabemos qué tanto se reproducen y, lo más importante, en qué punto nuestros empleados dejan de verlos. También podemos recopilar comentarios sobre los videos que creamos y determinar cuáles realmente resonaron con la audiencia".
– Head of Corporate Communications, Financial Institution

Preguntas frecuentes

Please review this FAQ for answers to some of the more common questions around Kollective's ECDN for Cisco Collaboration

Registrarse para acceder a una prueba gratuita de ECDN es fácil, solo haga clic aquí. Esto es lo que puede esperar al hacer clic:
  1. Create an account
  2. Select all integrations you would like to set up
  3. Drop in your tokens for each integration selected
  4. Configure your setup
  5. Empezar a mejorar sus eventos en directo
Yes, The Kollective integration with Webex Webinars in webcast view can be easily enabled via Webex Control Hub and is avaiable now. Stay tuned for additional integration details with Webex Events coming soon. Learn more in the August 2023 Announcements on the Webex Help Center.
Kollective’s smartECDN uses machine learning to optimize and automate content delivery within enterprise networks while protecting mission-critical applications and network services. To ensure that IT has complete control and visibility, this technology features topology management, network modeling, anomaly detection and suggestive analytics that simplifies network management and ensures that corporate networks operate at peak efficiency. Visit this page to learn what a smartECDN can do for you.
¡Sí! Kollective ofrece varias opciones para probar su red sin afectar a los usuarios finales.
  1. ¿Estoy listo para la interconexión?: ejecute varias comprobaciones rápidas en su navegador para validar el potencial de la interconexión basada en navegador
  2. Pruebas rápidas de red: configure y pruebe rápidamente la interconexión en su red
  3. Prueba de preparación de la red: recopile e informe sobre datos de red precisos que brinden información convincente sobre las pruebas previas al evento
Yes. Kollective is the most configurable ECDN. Not only can you black out peering for users connecting to a video via VPN, you can also group viewers by internal and external IP for even greater granularity into event and network performance.
Sí. Kollective es "seguro por diseño" y no recopila información de identificación personal. Los clientes con una fuerte presencia en la región apreciarán nuestro centro de datos, el cual se aloja en Europa Occidental. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de privacidad completa.
Yes. Kollective offers three options for delivering Teams video in China:
  • Basado en navegador: elude el Gran Firewall al enrutar el contenido a través de una WAN (red de área amplia)
  • Agente: atraviesa el Gran Firewall
  • EdgeCache: la interconexión se puede mejorar si se agrega EdgeCache como fuente de contenido en la región
Puede obtener más información sobre la distribución de video en vivo en entornos de red complejos en esta publicación del blog.
Kollective integrates with Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, and many other leading solutions. Click here for the complete list of Kollective's integrations.
Kollective empowers its customers with Complete Coverage that addresses any video delivery challenges they may encounter. This is accomplished through multiple delivery methods that customers can easily access and deploy through a self-service onboarding portal. All delivery methods are connected via an intelligent SDK that routes content through the most efficient method. Learn More
The Kollective smartECDN free trial can be rapidly deployed to all your locations and employees in six clicks. Request 30-Day Free Trial

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