Enterprise Video Experience and Assurance Platform - Learn More


Enterprise Video on Demand (VOD)

Extend the reach of dynamic video content to level up your organization's learning programs, knowledge sharing and communication workflows.

Effective On-Demand Delivery

Accelerate video collaboration beyond live events

From onboardings and trainings to evergreen communications and knowledge sharing, Kollective's smartECDN equips organizations to distribute immaculate on-demand video content with ease to viewers no matter when or where they tune in.

Scale knowledge sharing

Alleviate network concerns from always-on VOD delivery

  • Improve online learning access and view experiences
  • Monitor key engagement and delivery metrics
  • Maximize investments in training and development programs
Achieve peak performance by providing video content whenever and wherever viewers need to access it.

Integrate multiple Video Solutions

Centralize video distribution across all the leading front-end applications

  • Leverage Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex and over 30 integrations
  • Optimize delivery performance across collaboration applications
  • Improve video equity throughout the entire organization
Consolidate multiple integrations into a synchronized delivery platform that balances varied collaboration needs.


Reduce overhead

Fast track digital transformation and trim unnecessary expenditures

  • Decrease travel and training costs
  • Expedite onboarding timelines
  • Engage remote employees and retain talent
Ensure seamless engagement with on-demand content to prioritize productivity and revenue generation across your organization.

Effortless Video on Demand Fuels Innovation

Empower Dynamic Collaboration

Influence Corporate Culture

Enrich communication workflows

A menudo nos preguntan

Hable con un experto para resolver cualquier duda relacionada con la transmisión de video en vivo


VoD (Video on Demand) allows users who missed a live event to consume the message at a time that's convenient for them. It also enables dynamic content delivery for trainings, knowledge sharing, internal communications and long-lasting resources.
Kollective's Collaboration Observability platform provides in depth insight into network peroformance, live events and gives you visibility into reach, engagement, and potential issues before they arise.